Monday, December 31, 2012


B 4 is the last block for 2012

21 pieces

prepped 16-12-12     pieced 30-12-12

I'd like to take the opportunity to thank everyone (anyone?) who pops in to look at my progress on a technically challenging quilt Journey

...and my ever patient husband who stops everything when I am in need of more hand sewing and preps blocks

Thank you, and Happy New Year

Sunday, December 16, 2012

a good week

LS 6      25 pieces 

prepped 9/12/12     pieced 11/12/12

TR 2      20 pieces 

prepped 1/12/12     pieced 12/12/12
K 9      21 pieces 

prepped 11/12/12     pieced 11/12/12

J 2      15 pieces 

prepped 10/12/12     pieced 12/12/12

M 1      29 pieces 

prepped 11/12/12     pieced 14/12/12

K 2      40 pieces 

prepped 14/12/12     pieced 16/12/12

Monday, December 10, 2012


Just one block to post for the last week

B 2  16 pieces

Monday, December 3, 2012

Ta Da......

Row A is together. So pleased with myself

Sunday, December 2, 2012

only one....

block this week

blame it on the weather, not attending sewing groups, whatever


A 13, 21 pieces

prepped  18-11-12       pieced 28-11-12

my goal this week is to sash Row A, piece one block, one triangle and one corner

wish me luck